13 June 2010

Beneathe Language Lies the Surface of Thought

Language is not a law. We must remember that above all, the main function of Language is communication. And if we can agree to the generalization of communication being the external exchange of internal ideas, then Language can be thought of as a social technique we humans utilize for individual expression, as well as the comprehension of one another. Its the announcement of self just as well as the auditioning of others; Language is how you inform others of who you are and simultaneously, how others and yourself examine this information from one another. Generally speaking, this is the main idea of Language, so that if Language did contain one law, it would be communicate.

Communication being the law, what can we then say of expressions? Would it not be accurate to say that any expression that communicates can be accepted as Language. An interesting concept to note here is Grammar. The Constitution of Language. Thats where we find the rules, the dos and do nots of the tongue, vehemently imposed on Language like authority onto a police state. At this point let me address my stand as not being one against Grammar. Language is a beautiful medium and Grammar makes it all the more lovelier for its application of dynamics and contribution to the balance between restraint and freedom. It also brings to mind what one of my junior high school teachers used to tell me, "learn the rules before you break them." As a writer I've learn nothing other than the fact that there are many ways to express yourself through words. Furthermore, if anyone understands any of your expressions, however densely cryptic or laconic, then you've succeeded in communicating.

Lightness, the first of Calvino's six memos to us from the closing of the last millennium, should not be forgotten.

...above all I have tried to remove weight from the structure of stories and language.

Lightness from the reception of Language into the mind, unhindered by Grammar, so that any word that expresses and communicates a thought from one mind to another is a successful transfer. Its the undefined, gaseous truth that preserves the DNA of an idea, without the solid capsule shells of spelling, pronunciation, or context. "U" instead of "you", conversate where the meaning of converse is expressed, or any example of slang where words and phrases seem independent of conventional context; if these "errors" of Language do indeed communicate then wherein does the error truly lie?

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